




      Thirdly, for the villagers already living in my world, I need to make sure their living environment is suitable for multiplication. This includes providing adequate housing and jobs to ensure a steady flow of resources, such as food and basic necessities, to support the villagers’ livelihood, as well as constructing proper education and entertainment facilities.

      Fourthly, I also need to make sure my villagers are in good physical and mental health, so that they can give birth to healthy babies. To ensure this, I will provide them with regular medical check-ups and other necessary health services.

      Finally, I need to provide a safe and secure environment for my villagers to raise their children. I will ensure that there are appropriate laws and regulations in place to protect the village from potential harm, such as raids from other factions, natural disasters, and crime.

      To conclude, breeding villagers in my world requires carefully planning and paying attention to details. The most important steps are to obtain immigration permits for new villagers, create an adequate living environment, provide proper medical care, and establishing an effective system of law and order. By doing so, I can create a welcoming environment for thriving populations.
